Friday, April 19, 2013

Signposts Closing
Peer Support is very sorry to hear that our partner agency, Signposts, is closing due to lack of funding. We would like to thank them for all that they have done with us and our members, and we wish all of the staff and volunteers the very best for the future.
Peer Support has worked closely with Signposts since our opening and they have provided invaluable support to our members and other local people. It is a great shame to see them go, and to see yet another service close due to the lack of fundingin this current economic climate.
There will be many people who miss the service provided by Signposts. Our doors are open to anyone with mental health difficulties who feels at a loss after Signposts' closure, either at our Morecambe centre (United Reform Church, Sefton Rd, Monday and Thursday 10-4) or our Lancaster centre (Trinity Community Centre, Middle Street, Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10-4) - just drop in.
We are also launching a Practical Matters Drop-In 10.30-12am Wednesday at Lancaster, which is run by a former volunteer of Signposts. If you have a practical issue that you would like support with, you are welcome to just come along within that time and we will help.
Once again, we are sorry to see Signposts go and wish them all the best.

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