Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Camping Trip

The camping trip was a success and enjoyed by all! Another one will be planned for later in the year.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May Bank Holiday Closure

Peer Support Lancaster will be closed on Monday 5th May. Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Camping Trip

Peer Support is going camping! From the 2nd - 4th May we will be going camping near Kirkby Lonsdale. Price is £10 plus a small extra cost for travel. If you'd like to come along add your name to the sign-up sheet or speak to a project worker.

Bank Holiday Closures

Lancaster Peer Support will be closed on Friday 18th April and Monday 21st April. Morecambe Peer Support will also be closed Monday 21st April.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Morecambe Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers for Morecambe peer support to help with creative writing and crafts. If you're interested in helping out speak to a project worker.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yorkshire Holiday Reminder

Just a little reminder that there are still a few places available for the holiday to Yorkshire. For those already signed up, money needs to be paid in ASAP. See the sign-up sheet on the noticeboard or speak to a project co-ordinator.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Please could members consider donating - tea, coffee, biscuits, cake, or any other items of food and drink. All donations would be very welcome. Thank you.

Peer Support Holiday

We are going on holiday to the Blue Dolphin Caravan Park, Filey, Yorkshire on the 31st May for 7 nights. Money is to be paid by 21st March, or ASAP otherwise. See sign-up sheet on the noticeboard.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Holiday Club

A holiday club will be starting up to get money in for the holiday to Yorkshire. See project co-ordinator for more information.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yorkshire Holiday Reminder

A reminder about the holiday to Yorkshire...sign up on the noticeboard or let us know if you're interested in coming and where you'd like to stay (chalet, caravan, B&B), as we need to start getting deposits paid.

A poem about friendship


It starts with "Hello"
This is the seed.
As you plant that seed of friendship
It will grow, as it grows.
It will grow into a plant the first year,
It will grow one branch.
On this a bud will grow into another friendship
As life goes on, the plant will grow into the biggest friendship in the world.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arts & Crafts Session

We will have a lady visiting on Wednesday, 5th February at 11am to see about doing an Arts and Crafts session. Come along with your ideas and suggestions.

Yorkshire Holiday

We are planning a holiday to Yorkshire. See the noticeboard or let us know if you're interested.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Come along and join in with the Quiz at Lancaster Peer Support every Monday at 2pm. Hope to see you there.

Chinese Meal

Peer Support will be going out for a Chinese meal in Morecambe on Monday, 27th January at 5pm. See sign-up sheet on noticeboard. There will also be an outing to Skipton Markets on Saturday, 8th February. Again, see sign-up sheet on noticeboard.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Walk with Photography

Hello everyone, our first outing this year will be a walk with photography in Morecambe on Monday 13th January. The walk and distance will depend on member's abilities.