Update: At all times, we are open to anyone who do not want to take part in the activities (except for relaxation 3-4pm Friday). One area of our room will be used for the activity and the rest of the room will still be available for people to do their own thing. Refreshments are still available as normal.
New Activities Timetable - Lancaster!
All our sessions are free of charge and open to anyone with mental health problems. Just come along!
Creative Writing
11 - 1am
Starts 13th May
Do you want to try a new way to express yourself or have a go at writing poetry? Our very popular creative writing sessions are re-starting on Monday from 13th May. Come along on Monday morning to see our creative writing tutor, Elizabeth, who will help you to bring out your inner Shakespeare. This session is suitable for complete beginners.
Music Jam
1.30 - 3pm
Starts 13th May
Bring along your instrument on Monday afternoons and make some music. One of our members, Peter, is a talented musician and he's started writing some songs to perform at the Concert for World Mental Health Week in October. He needs a band! All levels of musicians welcome and we also need singers.
Walking and Photography
1.30 - 3pm
20th May to 15th July for 9 weeks
Join us on Monday afternoons for a walk and the opportunity to learn to take photos with our new photography tutor, Sally. We will explore the beautiful surrounding area by foot and you are welcome to take part in the walking if you do not have a camera. During the 9 week course we will be looking at: canals and Lancaster skylines/buildings. In the event of bad weather, we will be running indoors sessions at our centre. This session is suitable for complete beginners or people wanting to just walk. Don't forget your camera if you want to take photos.
Information & Advice Drop-In
10.30 - 12pm
Starts 15th May
If you have any practical problems such as housing or benefits issues, phone calls to make or anything else, from the 15th May you can drop in to see Emma on Wednesday mornings. Whatever the problem, Emma will help you.
1.30 - 2.30pm
On now
Join us on Wednesday afternoons for our popular crafts sessions. Recently we've been working on bunting and we're going to try modelling and jewellery-making next. This session is great fun and suitable for complete beginners.
Reading Group
12 - 1pm
On now
Join Dougie on Friday mornings for a short story or poem. It's a very relaxed group, you don't need to read aloud if you don't want to, and there is no homework!
Gentle Exercise
2 - 2.45pm
Starts 10th May
Did you know that even some gentle exercise can make you feel much better and improve your mood? On Friday afternoons Nicky is going to run a very gentle exercise session - the session is suitable for the very unfit or those limited by mobility problems. Many exercises will be done sitting down and there will be stretching. Afterwards you can even reward yourself and stay on for the relaxation session.
3 - 4pm
On now
Join us at the end of the week for our most popular session, relaxation. The room will be closed to other members for peace and quiet, and our relaxation tutor will help you release your stress and feel happier.