Sunday, March 18, 2012

April Trip to Liverpool

Peer Support's next planned trip for April is to Liverpool.

Thursday 19th April. Leave Peer Support at 10.30am, cost £5. Please see notice board to sign up for trip.
This is a great opportunity to experience the city of culture, you may choose to visit the docklands or the new Museum of Liverpool, or maybe the Liverpool One shopping experience with a coffee.


The March trip to Penrith was a great day out and enjoyed by ten of us. It was a beautiful sunny spring morning making the drive there a pleasure. We strolled around the shops, find a dog friendly pub for a spot of lunch, enjoyed a photography exhibition.
Coming soon plans for a April trip.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tuesday 6th March 2012

We will be meeting at outside Trinity Community Centre, Middle St, Lancaster LA1 1JZ at 10.30am, and expect to return to pick up point between 4.30-5pm.
Its Market Day, and weathers not looking to bad, so looking forward to a great day out.
And for those looking to enjoy some fresh air, there will be a introduction to Geocaching which is a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants in the activity. Its amazing fun, look forward to up-dating you on our adventures.